Home, Sweet Home
Once again, I’d like to kick off this week’s post with a big, enthusiastic CONGRATULATIONS to the newest Clarkies admitted to the class of 2017 this week. I’m so excited for you! This is about the time...
View ArticleBonjour, merci: Adventures in Canada
Doesn’t Montreal look a little Worcester-esque? Since coming to college, I’ve become quite the little traveler. I went to New Hampshire, Maine, New York City, and last week I finally left the country!...
View ArticleKeeping Busy: A Sample of Clubs and Activities
One of the things that I love the most about everyone at Clark is that everyone is passionate about something, and that passion translates into involvement. I don’t know a single person on campus who...
View ArticleThings High School Never Taught Me
So much to learn, and so little time spent in high school. I learned a lot of things in high school. I learned how to do geometry, and how to balance chemical equations and how write essays about...
View ArticlePacking Like the Responsible Adult That You Are
I snapped this at the airport when we were leaving Anchorage, as step one of the Great Migration Hi friends! I hope this post finds you all well. It’s a crazy time over here at Clark; we had an...
View ArticleSmall Life Moments
My brother’s birthday is this month. He’s turning 21, which is completely blowing my mind. I can’t believe my big brother is already so old! It’s so crazy. I’ve been thinking a lot about him lately,...
View ArticleLet Spreedom Ring!
Post-color madness. I borrowed this from Jonathan Edelman, who was sweet enough to document all the fun that occurred at Spree Day. More here!...
View ArticleResearch and Futures
A live update from the library of all my hard work in progress Research papers? Ew. You can’t be serious. Literally no one likes writing research papers, because the entire process is remarkably...
View ArticleNice Weather Woes
My mother sent me a picture this morning of the front yard covered in at least a foot of snow. Although it’s not the norm to have that much snow at the end of April, The green on a sunny day. It’s the...
View ArticleSentiments on Going Home
At the beginning of the year, I heard time and time again that Clark was nothing like real life. I repeatedly heard that no one ever wants to go home, and that Clark was basically a magical mystery...
View ArticleRookie Mistakes
Due to some bizarre travel arrangements, and some plans that fell through at the last minute, I’m back at Clark three days earlier than is truly necessary. I’ve been sitting outside, pretentiously...
View ArticleTwiddling Thumbs
Confession: I was super nervous about coming to campus because I was extremely worried that, while I was 5,000 miles away from Clark this summer, everyone had forgotten about me. Out of sight, out of...
View ArticleRunning Backwards Down Uneven Stairs While Blindfolded
Please don’t actually run down stairs backwards, or while blindfolded. Or both. And always use a handrail. There are few things that feel worse than entering confidently entering a situation, only to...
View ArticleBettering Oneself Through Laundry
A glamorous photo of my laundry, which has taught me more about myself than anyone can truly understand. There are so many challenges I’ve encountered in my mere 19 years on this planet that have...
View ArticleHome is Where the Heart Is
Roommates chillin’ on a lazy Sunday. When I was younger, I was the kid you see on every single pre-teen television show that you want to grab by the shoulders, shake them, and scream “WHY DON’T YOU...
View ArticleSummer Camp
Real-live summer camp collegiate fun. The summers of my adolescence were always spent away at camps. Day camps, arts camps, Girl Scout camps, and any other sort of away-from-home sort of operation I...
View ArticleFinding Inspiration Around Campus
Spotted: Clark squirrel being inspirational and adorable I am endlessly amused by Clark’s squirrels. Maybe it’s because we don’t have squirrels in Alaska, or maybe it’s because I’m easily amused....
View ArticleThe Ugly Fish
The current pride and joy of my parents life is a sixty gallon fish tank that sits in the corner of the living room. For the most part, it’s your standard saltwater fish tank; rocks, gravel, water, a...
View ArticleConsequences of Comparisons
A gem of a photo nabbed from Clark Yoga. Find them on Facebook here! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Clark-Yoga/233664656679849 Like many of my fellow students here at Clark, I recently got back from an...
View ArticleThat One Time I Tried Something New
The Peapod Squad! Before coming to college, the advice I heard time and time again was to try something new. Step outside your comfort zone. Do something you’ve never done before. Try new things....
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